Thursday, April 2, 2015

Disciples Way Leadership Positions

Bishop: This is the person who leads the national Disciples Way Christian Church, sets the curriculum, and establishes the local Pastors. He is accountable to the DWCC Board of Pastors, and the Senior Pastor. 

Senior Pastor: This is a national position who provides insight and guidance to the Bishop, and helps to establish the curriculum and national guidelines for the governance of DWCC.

Pastor: This is the primary overseer for each specific location, and the primary preacher. This person follows the guidelines for the curriculum provided by the National Overseer or Bishop, and coordinates the activities of the church. Because there is no board of elders etc the final decision for how each church is run is left up to them, with the advice and guidance of the others in the ministry, and the guidance of the National Bishop of the Church.

Teacher: This is the primary back up to the pastor for preaching when the pastor is not available or sick, and teaching Sunday school. This person provides teaching as guided by the pastor, and coordinates all curriculum with the pastor.

Elder: This person is charged with the responsibility of pastoral care. The elder will resolve church related issues so the pastor can focus on the ministry. The elder sees to it that the building is maintained, and the day-to-day responsibilities are taken care of. This person is responsible for the money, collecting the offerings ensuring their security and ensuring that it's safely deposited and can be audited by the pastor. This person is also responsible for communication to those in the church when someone is sick or needs prayer, and is the front line contact person to coordinate visits with those who need prayer. 

Children's Education Coordinator: This person is responsible for the safety, security and education of the children entrusted to the church. They are also responsible to recruit and oversee all people necessary to take care of children's education, and must have a primary backup.

Greeters: Each visitor must be warmly greeted at the door, given a visitors card to fill out, walked into the sanctuary, introduced around, and made and feel comfortable. During the following week they must receive a call thanking them for their visit, asking if they want prayer or have questions. A warm greeter who is excited to see them may be all a visitor remembers. 

Small Group Leader: This may be a teacher or elder. Their goal is to provide a midweek meeting of like minded folks to meet for fellowship, a meal, or Bible study. The focus of the study must be discussing that weeks Word from the pastor, and not some other curriculum, so that those with questions about what the pastor taught can have them answered.

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